Category: General
A client had been maintaining their own WordPress website and decided to update the Elementor Pro plugin. Now, the site had not been touched [...]
If you have a Xerox WorkCenter or similar all-in-one printer/copier and have one or more optional accessories for hole punching, stapling, etc. You may [...]
Category: General
Navigate to the Public_html folder and edit the .htaccess (you may have to show hidden files using Settings in the upper right of cpanel. [...]
Category: Command-Line, General, Mac OS
Getting the message "can not be opened because it's from an unidentified developer" and wondering what to do? Use the following commands in Terminal [...]
Category: Apple, Command-Line, General, Mac OS
Bash Keyboard Shortcuts Moving the cursor: Ctrl + a Go to the beginning of the line (Home) Ctrl + e Go to the End of [...]
Category: Command-Line, General, Linux
Using Find When no arguments are given, find lists all files in the current directory and all of its subdirectories. Commonly used options to shorten the list include -name (only [...]
Category: General
This originated from: krypted.comThe serveradmin afp setting for it is maxConnections, which by default is set to -1, indicating unlimited. To set this to 500, [...]